Saturday, November 1, 2008


We took the kids to Mother Nature's farm in Mesa. They had a lot of fun. We met Josh's friend Conner and his 2 brothers and mom there. They got to go in the pumpkin patch, see farm animals and go on a hay ride.

The kids had a ton of fun last night. Joshua wanted to be a robot so Jason made his costume. Only problem was that after trying to walk around in it he got tired and wanted to take it off so he then switched to a ninja. :) Payton wanted to be a ballerina and she had fun being "pretty". Madeline was a baby cinderella and couldn't wait to get her costume off. We tried to go trick or treating early so that she wouldn't get cranky but she didn't seem to want to have anything to do with it. Payton was scared of pretty much everything and Josh just had a blast. He even got in on scaring some kids with an older neighbor boy hiding behind some bushes!!! Can't wait til he's a teenager.

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